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Accessibility statement for the website

This accessibility statement concerns website of Tampere Centre for Societal Sustainability (TaSSu). The statement was prepared on 22 February 2021. The website is subject to the provisions of the Act on the Provision of Digital Services according to which public online services must be accessible.

We have carried out a self-assessment of the website’s accessibility.


Accessibility status of the digital service

Partially compliant with the accessibility requirements. 


Non-accessible contents

The online service is not yet fully accessible

Contents that are not yet accessible are listed below.

  • Some previously published files in the Solutions- section, that are subject to the legislation, are not necessarily fully accessible yet. For example, some visual elements do not have alternative texts that would describe their content, and the files may also contain deficiencies in the use of heading levels. They may also contain other accessibility problems.
    • Non-compliance with accessibility requirements
      • 1.1 Non-text content
      • 3.1 Info and relationships

Content not covered by legislation

The website contains content that is not within the scope of the applicable legislation, including

  • files published before 23 September 2018
  • video recordings published before 23 September 2020


Did you notice accessibility problems on our website? Inform us and we’ll do our best to fix them

You can give feedback on accessibility by email.


Supervisory authority

If you find accessibility problems on the website, first give feedback to the person maintaining the page. It may take up to 14 days to receive a response. If you are not satisfied with the response or get no response within two weeks, you can notify the supervisory authority Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland.


Contact information of the supervisory authority

Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland

The unit for supervising accessibility (in Finnish and Swedish only)
Telephone (switchboard): +358 295 016 000


We are committed to improving the accessibility of our website

We will try to revise the non-accessible contents, that are covered by the applicable legislation, to meet the accessibility requirements during 2021.


This webpage has been published

1st March 2021